RU Войти


R. Asmatulayev Associate Professor | Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute |
B. А. Asmatulayev доктор технических наук, почетный профессор МАДИ, Академический советник Национальной инженерной академии РК, директор по науке ТОО НИ ПК «Каздоринновация» | ТОО НИ ПК «Каздоринновация» |
Н. Б. Асматулаев PhD/Технический директор | ТОО НИиПК «Каздоринновация» |


The article presents the outcomes of fundamental laser research, experimental studies, and long-term monitoring of roads constructed using belite cements and asphalt binders. These materials, rich in bicalcium silicate (C2S-belite 50 – 80%), ensure road concrete durability for up to 50 years without repairs. Laser studies revealed the unique colloidal structures of belitic cement, which include calcium hydrosilicates (CSH), enhancing cement hydration and promoting self-healing (thixotropy) and hardening under load (rheopexy). Belite cements enable efficient year-round road construction in Kazakhstan’s harsh climate, with roads enduring for 35–48 years due to long-term hardening. This approach revives the theory of V. Michaelis, emphasizing the durability of colloidal structures over crystalline alite cements, which degrade after 20–30 years due to incomplete hydration. The novelty of this work is supported by patents, shedding light on the enduring properties of ancient Roman concrete. Asphalt concrete, typically lasting 10 years, retains its properties for recycling. The 2016 Eurobitumen Congress highlighted fully recycled asphalt layers. In Kazakhstan, researchers developed an innovative asphalt concrete theory, extending service life by preserving the colloidal binder structure and preventing bitumen aging. This research underlines the advantages of nanotechnology in road construction, confirmed by laboratory tests and monitoring roads in service for over 35 years. For the first time, Kazakhstan demonstrates the environmental and structural limitations of traditional Portland cement and bitumen, advocating for advanced materials to ensure sustainable and durable transport infrastructure
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